BCD 2000 for sale

If you are looking for a Behringer BCD 2000 Midi Controller incl. sound interface, you may be interested in my ebay auction closing on 12th of december 2010!

Posted in BCD2000. 1 Comment »

Denon DN-HC 4500 and Traktor 3.3 powered by MIDI Rules

Martin Prinz has build a MIDI Rules mapping for Denon DN-HC 4500 vs. Traktor 3.3. He makes use of two inputs in MIDI Rules: one input for the DN-HC 45000 and one for Traktor 3.3, which enables to sync in both directions (DN-HC 45000 -> Traktor 3.3, Traktor 3.3 -> DN-HC 45000).

MIDI Rules Prototype now with support for multi MIDI inputs

I’ve released a MIDI Rules Prototype update that supports more than one MIDI input. This feature can be used, for instance, to sync a MIDI controller with a software in both directions.

As an example, Traktor 3.3 is able to send MIDI messages if Traktor changes its state either due to interactions on Traktor’s graphical user interface or MIDI message from a controller.

If you want to program you own MIDI Rules (drl rule set), you can make use of the MIDI Rules Language enhancement:

  • New when-expression:
    Receive short message on midi in {midi_in_number} with channel : {channel} , command : {command} , data1 : {data1} , data2 : {data2}
    (The “Receive short message with …” expression will match messages from all MIDI inputs)
  • Implicit variable “received_message_midi_port” is visible after expressions “Receive short message” and “Receive short message with …”.

Take a look in the MIDI Rules language syntax reference that comes with MIDI Rules Prototype.

New MIDI Rules Prototype 2007-08-09 released

A new MIDI Rules Prototype (2007-08-09) has been released (download | change log). The release fixes the bug that let MIDI Rules hang up from time to time. MIDI Rules runs much more stable now. It’s highly recommended to update your MIDI Rules installation.

The new release also introduces timers into the MIDI Rules language. I will publish a new BCD/Traktor mapping that make use of timers soon.

Found the Bug that let MIDI Rules hang up

I just found the cause that let MIDI Rules hang up.
Currently if you use MIDI Rules for a while and specially if you trigger the controls fast, MIDI Rules will stop working.
The cause is a deadlock the timer code of MIDI Rules. (If you press ctrl+break in the MIDI Rules console window you can see the heap dump of the Java VM).

I will publish a bug fix release of MIDI Rules Prototype in the next days. So keep an eye on this blog.

P.S.: Sorry Behringer that I thought it’s a bug in the BCD2000 Hardware 😉

BCD3000-Traktor Mapping for MIDI Rules

A BCD3000 – Traktor3 mapping for MIDI Rules is now available. The mapping based on BCD2000-Traktor3_cycokrauts-mb4guns_flavor_2007-02-05_v2 and has been adjusted by Niek to work with the Behringer BCD3000.

Since I don’t own a BCD3000, I’m interested in what you’re thinking about the mapping in comparison to the native support for Traktor3LE that comes with the BCD3000.

Fixed bug “Deck FX disables other controls” in BCD2000-Traktor3 mapping

I just released a bug fix for the issue that the deck FX mode disables other controls.

Download BCD2000-Traktor3_cycokrauts-mb4guns_flavor_2007-02-05_v2.zip

Optimizing your system performance

Many MIDI Rules users (including me) have/had troubles with system freezes and MIDI crashes of the BCD2000 while using MIDI Rules and Traktor. Both issues have to do with real-time performance of your system (OS, hardware, peripheral devices, applications, etc.). One bottleneck component is enough to slow down the whole system.
Therefore optimizing the system performance has to cover all involved components. Windows XP users should take a look at the Windows XP Optimization Guide. A lot of tips can also be found in the NI forum. If you know additional tweaks/tips, please comment.

MIDI Rules the World

Maybe you already noticed the map on the sidebar called “MIDI Rules the World”. The intention is to build a map of MIDI Rules users that lets you identify other users in your area.

If you are using MIDI Rules I would be a pleasure for me if you would add yourself to the map. You don’t have to link your exact street/address (but can if you like), your city is enough information.

Traktor Audio Settings for BCD2000

bcd2000-traktor-soundcard.jpg bcd2000-traktor-output-routing.jpg

(Click on the the thumbnails to maximize)